Monday, November 19, 2012


I started walking up a hill
Saw a beautiful hill
Right in front of me
"Wow, you are wonderful"
I told her
"Wow, you are wonderful"
Came back her response.

I walked up little more
Saw more hills spread around
All were beautiful
"Wow, you are wonderful"
I told her
"Wow, you are wonderful"
"Wow, you are wonderful"
They responded.

I went atop my hill
Could see hills all around
All were beautiful
"Wow, you are wonderful"
I told her
"Wow, you are wonderful"
"Wow, you are wonderful"
Said all.

I know
I am wonderful
All said so,
All said so!

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Drop ... My Drop

A drop of rain
Fell on my lips
And split in two

One fell on my breast
And one flew to you

The one on me
Hardened my breast
One that flew to you
Moistened your chest

Hardened breast, softened chest
And a drop, that made them wet

Longing lips, lying in wait
For the drop, just had left

The drop, that had left
For me, it never had left

In the longing
And in the wait,
Gone was the drop
But you have met

Chaos (calamity ?) Of Govt’s Making and What Now? ————————————————————————— Whether PM delayed the lockdown for politics in MP or not ...