Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Balance, संतुलन, मित ...... such profound words!

We can stand-up, we are active only as long as we can maintain our (physical) balance. We loose it and we start tripping, falling down. We loose our mental balance and we start going awry, astray...

We can not survive with overeating neither by going hungry. We need a balance, we need a balanced diet. We need a balance between doing and being. Our acts have no resonance if they are not rooted into solid being and a beingness which does elicit acts has no relevance. We need a balance between rationality and irrationality. Over dependence on rationality can kill our emotions and take us closer to being machines. Whereas over negligence of rationality for irrationality may make us senseless, erratic etc. Balance between passion and dispassion. We need passion to jump in and dispassion to work our way out. We need dispassion to chalk out strategies but passion to execute those.

A man or society, if it looses balance, then doomsday is not far away.

There are some who dont care for any doomsday, who dont care about being able to work their way out, who dont bother about strategies, schemas. When they feel like they simply jump. Balance is not a word for such people, for they are not from this balanced world. They rise from nothing and create their own world !

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